Thursday, November 10, 2011

mind your business

i'm getting really irritated with everyone being so involved in what i'm eating and my progress. i don't feel that way all the time, but i'm feeling that way right now. and i feel like it's my own doing by being so open about the whole process, and mainly, i'm glad i am. but i just feel very on display right now (shout out to melissa gorga fans). 

it's mostly at work, in the kitchen as i'm assembling my meals. "what's that?" or "that smells good, what is it?" or ..."so you can eat stuff like that?" or "so what is it, a high protein diet you're on?" sometimes there's "you always have such colorful looking meals" or "so how many pounds down is it now?" i know everyone means well, but sometimes i just feel like STOP LOOKING AT ME. STOP COMMENTING ON MY FOOD. you'd think people would realize that someone with massive food issues might not want to be watched all the time.  

i guess i generally feel it most when i'm not the proudest of what i'm eating, if it's something i feel is a little processed like turkey bacon or these awesome green giant vegetables. i just feel this pressure to be perfect about all this and i feel it even more, and like i'm being even more imperfect, when everyone's watching me.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your story in November's Glamour, which is odd because I rarely read Glamour anymore. I think I was meant to, because your story struck such a chord with me! When we met, my husband and I were both heavy, but relatively healthy - both in the 180 range. Now, we're both over 200lbs (me-225, him-245). We each have a WW online account, and we're struggling to lose weight. We did it once, each losing over 30lbs before our wedding 3 years ago, but have since put the weight back on. We enable each other terribly, convincing ourselves we "deserve" whatever it is we want. You're story has inspired me to tell my husband that what we deserve is to be strong, healthy, and happy, and that our children (his from a previous marriage) deserve good role models! Thank you for sharing such an unflinching look at your life, and good luck to you and your husband on your journey!


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